Welcome to
College Street United Church
People Helping People in The Name of Jesus
At the corner of Bathurst and College, we are called to celebrate the diversity of creeds, races, orientations, and identities that we encounter.
College Street United Church Services are fully accessible and held in person on Sundays at 10:30 am
You can join also join us through Youtube via this link
As a community of faith in the downtown core of Toronto, we desire to minister to those who are stigmatized, isolated, bereaved, marginalized and seek the waters of life-giving community.
November 6th, 2024 Service
Upcoming Events
Thursday ​December 5th 3:00 pm- A Community Meal (Volunteers Needed)
As part of our living intentionally with the wider community, we will be hosting a
soup and bread meal for the community to come and join on the at Volunteers are needed for this meal,
if you are interested please contact the
church office.
Saturday December 7th 7:30 PM- Messiah by Request
Opera by Request teams up with Denise Williams's No Strings Theatre for
"The 3-Penny Messiah," an intimate rendition of Handel's most popular
oratorio. A chamber choir and instrumental ensemble join forces
with soloists Roanna Kitchen, Meagan Reimer, Avery Krisman and
Cesar Bello.
Tickets, at $25.00, are available via eventbrite or at the door.
Sunday December 8th 5:00 PM - Messiah by Request pt. 2
A second performance at 5pm, and will feature several chorus
members in selected solos. Audience participation is encouraged.
A PWYC ticket option is available for this performance.
Sunday December 15th 12:00 PM- CSUC Christmas Dinner
and Musical Evening
This year, our Christmas Dinner will be earlier in the afternoon on
and will be followed by a musical play presentation
by Burton Avenue United Church from Barrie at 6:30 PM.
Come, celebrate the season,
and there may even be an opportunity to meet Santa too!
The cost for the Dinner is $25

Advent and Christmas at CSUC
A message from Rev. Jeffrey Dale
It seems hard to believe that we are preparing for the Christmas season already, but alas, as time continues to turn and life continues to be lived, we settle into the rhythm of the season, and that includes the preparations for Christ’s birth and all that entails.
This advent season we will spend four Sunday journeying with Mary and her song in Luke 1:46-55. Mary’s Song is similar to Hannah’s Song in Samuel 2:1-10. Both songs call a God at extends mercy to the faithful, justice for those in need, and love that transcends times and ages. It is through Mary’s Song that Jesus comes into this world - to proclaim the gospel. In a time where wars rage and people become further polarized by ideas and ideals, we find ourselves seeking Mary’s Song in this season. We find ourselves desiring ways of connecting and being with one another. And so we enter into the Christmas season filled with hope and wonder, but also challenge and grace.
In the 1950's College Street United Church was known as ‘The Church of the Open Door,’ as we return to this purpose and ministry, we find ourselves opening our doors to the ways in which Christ moves and beckons us to dream dreams and see visions of a church where all truly belong.
December 1st - 10:30 am First Sunday in Advent
World AIDS Day
From the fringes we come, to pray, worship, and be
heard. Silence is not an option on this day of hope.
December 8th - 10:30 am Second Sunday in Advent
People look east, the time is now for peace to rise. If we
let it....
After Church we will be looking at the 2025 Budget.
December 15th - 10:30 am Third Sunday in Advent
Authentic joy, what the church has to offer as we await
with anticipation.
December 22nd - 10:30 am Fourth Sunday in Advent
How are we to know? We wait in love, but what will be
the sign?
December 24th - 5 pm and 9 pm Christmas Eve
Our family service at 5 pm we will hear the story of a
busy New York Subway Station and the love that grew
out of that moment. At 9 pm people are invited for a
quiet candle lit service centering ourselves in the love
of community.